(Editor’s Note: Aw, wook at the widdle bitty dinosaurs. Aren’t they just the cutest? Can I pet one? AAAAAAAUUUUUGH!)
I wrote in my “what I did” article that I played a lot of mobile games over the summer. I never considered my phone as a gaming device. In the past, I always played on tablets. I guess that I thought the small screen might make games unplayable. It certainly makes typing very difficult. Autocorrect and predictive typing are not merely responses to typographical errors. They are necessary to the preservation of the written (well, typed, I suppose) language.
After my latest screen related mishap with my tablet, I had no choice. Okay, that isn’t true. I could have replaced the screen again. But, really, what is the point. The tablet is 5 years old. This is the second time that I’ve replaced the screen. The most recent screen lasted only a few months before meeting a tragic end. I can take a hint, Universe. She’s buried with all of my other dearly departed electronics.

I think I started by downloading SimCity Build It onto my phone as a test I’ve become alarmingly addicted to the game to the point of paying cash money for virtual goods. I swore that I would never do such a thing, but that’s the power of those tiny gibberish speaking digital beings. I spite of my reservations, the game played perfetly on the small screen.
I followed up with my other mobile obsession, Magic the Gathering: Puzzle Quest. I even played some Hearthstone. I know, but it is gone now because it takes up a ridiculous amount of space and the fun to space ratio was far too low to make it worth my while. I also tried a few other games, but none of them interested me for very long. Then, Quinn mentioned a Jurassic Park game that I should play.
I didn’t realize that there were two games and I downloaded Jurassic World when he was talking about Jurassic Park. I later downloaded Jurassic Park, but I have yet to play it. Therefore, I don’t know what the differences, if any, there are between the two. I will focus primarily on Jurassic World this time.
+ Impressive graphics for a mobile game
+ Interesting, though hastily written storyline with accompanying quests.
+ A combat system that seems easy at first, but does require some thought and strategy.
+ Probably the most generous free to play game I’ve ever played. A free pack every six hours contains a dinosaur about half the time.
– constantly tries to sell you packs
– PVP, if that’s your thing, is limited.
– Even though they improved it, the VIP club is still not worth the money.
Overall, the positives outweigh the negatives. Jurassic World Mobile is a good game. Whether you are a collector that has to catch ’em all, a questing adventurer who wants to play through the thin story, or a mighty PVP champion seeking the glory of the arena, the game will keep you busy on one level or another for some time. At least, it is worth a download and try.