All posts by Noob of All Trades

Shawn Lucas is the self identified "Noob of All Trades". He is married and the father of three boys, two of whom help with their own podcast every couple of months. Raised on Atari, Nintendo, and Sega, he enjoys all games and will play all of them to the best of his ability, which is often average at best. Currently, he is most interested in Magic, Heroclix, and other games that he can play with Chris and his sons.

Nerds Are the Worst


Alternate Title: Why Do We Always Hate What We Love? For years, I talked about how Star Wars nerds are the worst. They regularly shit on everything Star Wars related for nearly three decades. The prequels, the sequels, now the various Disney+ projects. It has been exhausting. I just stopped reading and listening so that I could enjoy them in peace.

I repeated the refrain, “Ever since nerd culture became pop culture, nerds feel emboldened to bully one another and the rest of society.” Sure enough, the sickness spread to comic fans who continually scream about “woke” this and “reboots” that. It took a while, but now the cinematic versions of the comics are also falling victim to the sickness. Look, I get that our perpetually online society thrives on division and “controversy”, but can we just have one aspect of our lives that gives us respite from that stupidity? Apparently not. Oh well, let’s start with some of the most recent examples and work backwards. See if we can find a common thread and a way to counteract it.


Warner Bros. hired James Gunn away from Marvel after Guardians of the Galaxy 3 to help them rescue their movies and TV shows and try to put them on the same level as Marvel. He announced a roadmap and that much of what happened before wasn’t a part of it. This irritated the so called “Snyderbots” who showed up to attack the first trailer for Superman. Sight unseen with no concrete evidence, they proclaimed that the film would flop and kill DC off forever from ever making movies or TV shows again. You might argue that’s just a small portion of the audience and that their influence isn’t all that great. If it was, Zack Snyder would have been hired back to patch everything together. Seems easier than rebooting everything again.

On the side of the MCU, things are more murky. They genuinely burned some good will by taking short cuts in movies and TV shows like Quantumania and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Admittedly, some of that happened due to COVID and tight schedules, but nevertheless it happened. Hell, Deadpool himself asked them to cut their losses on the Multiverse, even as he multiverse hopped to save his own. More recently, I’ve seen the hate from the comic book fans infest the new Captain America movie.

I have some hope because on Rotten Tomatoes, the fans are giving it decent ratings. It’s mostly just the critics that don’t like the movie. And you know what we say about critics around here. Those that can, do. Those that cant, enjoy. And those that can’t even do that become critics. For my money, I intend to go and enjoy what I can with the movie. I already have it on good authority that I will like it.


I got an inkling of the nerd hate during the Marvel Now (I think?) era when they tried to reboot the universe with new characters in their iconic roles. Riri as Iron Heart, Jane Foster as Thor (oh boy, did the manosphere have a field day with that one), and Sam Wilson as Captain America. I joined the Sam Wilson reign during Secret Empire. I loved what they did with the character. Then again, I enjoyed the hell out of Secret Empire. You can find several articles around here about the story.

One of the main arguments nerds made at the time was, “Why redefine already defined characters? Why not come up with new characters?” They almost immediately showed their asses on that argument though, when they crapped on Riri’s character. Okay, fine, while technically a new character, you can make the argument that she shared many commonalities with Iron Man and they intended to replace him with her.

Then, along came Kahhori. Not only was she a completely new character, but they initially made her exclusive to the MCU. One of the episodes of the first season of “What If?”, Kahhori led her people to a successful revolt and overthrow of the colonizers in early America. I mean, hell, if you’re gonna go for it, go for it. Not surprisingly, the mayosapiens were not a fan of this particular origin story. So, yeah, I wonder why they have a problem with Sam Wilson as Cap.

Star Wars

Oh, wow! A new Star Wars movie! How cool is this? Plus, it’s the start of a trilogy that tells the fall and rise of Vader. That’s super cool, right? No, apparently not. As I tell my kids often when they watch the movies (they are Star Wars to them, so they like them best), when the movies first released, Star Wars nerds are the worst of all. They treated them and George Lucas so badly that he told them to fuck off and sold to Disney.

I loved The Phantom Menace. I liked Attack of the Clones fine. And, yes, I remember Revenge of the Sith mostly for the last ten minutes or so of nerdgasm in seeing the rise of Vader. But, watching them again with the kids brought a new appreciation for the movies. Then, when the new trilogy came out, I watched it with them and my father in law. So, nothing people can say will diminish my enjoyment of the movies or the television shows.

The Verdict

Hopefully I made the case that nerds are the worst. I wanted to include video games here. However, this reads like my old thousand word missives from a few years ago. Maybe I will write another article in a couple of months with video games and some of the other instances of nerd on nerd violence. YouTube video hopefully tomorrow.

Betting the Bowl LIX Post Mortem


I kept the short 3 year (so far) tradition of posting my picks for the Big Game on the page. Through reaction on social media (a bit more on that in a moment) and through discussions with one of my coworkers who also places the occasional wager, I’m not alone in saying that I didn’t do too well with my picks. But, this Betting the Bowl LIX Post Mortem is about the positive. Beside, I actually ended up making money both here and with my actual bets. So, I stand by my saying, “I have no idea how people lose money betting.”

Now, about social media for a few minutes. In another annual tradition, angry white folks got their mayonnaise in a froth over the halftime show this year. I’ve seen several click bait bullshit headlines about how it’s the “worst ever” and the NFL issued an “apology”. I will waste no time debunking either of those because Brandolini was right. I will simply go on record of saying that I liked it. I like it more the more that I watch it and see what I missed.

The Damage

I, like almost everyone, got it wrong about the game. However, as I said, I still made money on the game. I realized very early that my Chiefs pick wouldn’t pan out and I immediately hedged with the Eagles/Over 46.5 Total parlay. I sweated out the over portion, even thinking that the missed two points might come back to haunt me because another FG put it at 46. Granted, it was in the 3rd and I also hoped for some garbage time. But, for a minute there, I cringed.

Now, for the positive. What I got right. I had Hurts for first TD. That returns 0.65 cents. Also, playing both sides of the fence got me the Eagles win and Hurts MVP. That is a 0.95 cent payout. So, I bet 1 dollar and got 1.60 return. That puts me slightly below my hopes of 3 and way below the moon shot of 3.50. But, considering the carnage, I’ll take it.

The Verdict

No point talking bout the penny parlay in this Betting the Bowl LIX Post Mortem. Almost nothing hit and it was DoA, much like the Chiefs. So, another NFL season in the books. A stinker of a game made me nostalgic for my youth. Now, onto the draft and the eternal hope that the league sells its fans.

X – Books February 2025


I posted almost nothing last month. This month, I dedicated myself to rebuilding my interest and motivation to update the page. As often, I started with comics. I know comics. I read comics. Comics come naturally to me. Even so, the reviews spilled into this week. Therefore, I kick off a new week (D&D) with the last few X-Books February 2025.

Exceptional X-Men #5

Writer: Eve Ewing, Artist: Carmen Carnero

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Like many mutants, Kitty went through some shit at the end of the Krakoa era. However, her past haunts rather than inspires. So, when that past comes back, one of the group decides it’s too much to bear and quits the group. How much more can this young team take? My decision to split off the X-Books originally came as a numbers game. However, the more I read these books, the better and more consistent they are. I used to decry the proliferation of X-Books as too much of a good thing. That’s not the case here. Eve Ewing built the mythos of this book very quickly and gave it a very different feel from the other comic stories out there. My verdict: Great

Nyx 6

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzig, Artist: Michael Shelfer

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: An invitation to a Dazzler concert! That turns out to be a front for Mojo and another of his diabolical schemes. Can Kamala Khan survive the treachery? Kelly and Lanzing took another ragtag group of heroes and made them a family that I love just as much as their Guardians of the Galaxy books a few years ago. What’s funny is that I like the individual heroes more in this book, but I loved the Guardians more as a team. This issue, for example, felt a little too uneven for me. I know the point is they’re on the ground mutants. Maybe it just felt too much like Exceptional this time. Oh well, they have time to weave their magic. My verdict: Good.

Phoenix 7

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Marco Renna

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Thanos targeted Phoenix and brought friends to the party. Phoenix, too, has a few allies with her to try to even the playing field. A good old fashioned celestial brawl ensues with Jean Grey left at a crossroads. This book took some time for me to warm up to. I didn’t like the singular nature of it compared with the team aspect of the other X-Books. But, this one brings a fun team up. My verdict: Good.

The Uncanny X-Men 9 (Legacy 709)

Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Andrei Bressan

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Outliers, brought onto the team recently, find themselves in mortal danger. A new group of sentinels named the Wolfpack hunts them for reasons unknown. Without their mentors, can they survive long enough to get answers? Well, true believer, come back next time to find out. Another new bunch of mutants. These ones are, obviously, less recognizable than the characters in Nyx. But, Gail Simone brings them to life in a way that only she can. Also, this issue reads more like a classic X-Man book. Maybe that’s what I need from them right now. My verdict: Good.

X-Force 6 (Legacy 296)

Writer: Goeffrey Thorne, Artist: James Towe

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men showed up a few issues ago. Now, Mystique is in the mix as well. Forge faces inter-dimensional horror and lost love returned. Hard to say which represents the bigger threat right now. Like Phoenix, this one took me a while to buy into the premise. But, the last couple episode got me to buy. This one backs off some with the action, but not much. I mean, this is Forge after all. He deals with his emotions by shooting things. My verdict: Good.

X-Men 8 (Legacy 308)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The X-Men finally gathered enough intel on the prison where they’re keeping Beast. Time to launch a search mission. Actually, two missions. Both of the leaders of the factions (Rogue and Cyclops) pull together their teams to get Beast back. Will they find the ability to work together? Or, will the tension tear them even further apart? MacKay thrives on this shit. He’s at his best when two disparate teams of super powered beings exist in a tenuous truce that can break at any time. So, he’s the perfect pick to help pick up the pieces after the Krakoan era blew up. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict

X-Books February 2025 is a good collection that advances all of the stories nicely. I missed adding Psylocke to my list as well as the Ultimate X-Titles. First, I need a reason to visit That’s Entertainment. Second, my pull list already pushes over 100 bucks most months. And, that’s with the DCBS Discount.

Images for X-Books February 2025 comes from

Betting the Bowl LIX


I started this article two Super Bowls ago as a fun way to interact with the “Big Game”. Every year, I get inspired to write articles about the league again. Every year, I lose that motivation very quickly. However, over the last few years, Chris, Jason, and I text semi-regularly about the league, especially in the playoffs. Yesterday, I listened to Simmons and Sal’s pod about the prop bets, so I figured I’d drop Betting the Bowl LIX (know every time you read that I’m pronouncing it phonetically as “licks”) and keep the tradition alive.

Preposterous Prop Promos

These are the bets that I used to diagnose people with a betting problem if they bet them. I still contend that betting the coin toss is a ridiculous proposition and any statistical analysis is wasted on such an outcome. However, Gatorade color actually gained some merit. Sal spent a good couple of minutes talking about it. I even wrote about it at some length last year.

Coin Toss: George says tails, 55-45.

Gatorade: The favorite is purple (KC’s color the last couple of wins), so if you think they’ll win, parlay that with this for 4 to one odds.

Scoragami again pays out 25 to 1.

Flea Flicker: 2.5 to 1. Does that include a Philly special type play?

Single Dollar Picks

Stealing the idea from Simmons, I came up with my own twist. Instead of million dollar picks, I went with a single dollar. The first year, I won 0.94 cents on the picks. Last year, I won 7 cents as the only bet that paid was my KC/Mahomes MVP pick. So, I have 2.07 this year to bet. Still overall up money, but I want to get that to 3 or 3.50 his year. In real betting, when I saw the AFC Championship devolve into no defense, I doubled my balance on FanDuel.

First Touchdown: I rarely hit this one, but the Super Bowl often goes more to script than other games. I put 0.10 on Saquon (pays 0.42), Hurts (0.55), Hunt (0.95), and Mahomes (2.10). I took Kelce last year which didn’t hit. So fade me for a chance at 10 to one odds. Note: Real time change here. I took a dime from the Saquon bet and put it on Kelce (1.00).

Saquon Over 169 yards: This seems like a sure thing. Never mind. I looked at his splits and he feasted on the Rams twice, but only hit over 150 four other times this year. I’ll still put a nickel on it for a possible return of 21 cents.

They Called this the “Sal Special”: He became famous picking this one with my Steelers. But, Phi for the 1st half and KC for the game is +241. My 0.25 cent bet pays a potential. 60 cent return.

Favorites All Around: KC to win, Mahomes for MVP, and purple Gatorade is +953. I’ll put a dime on it to win 0.95 cents.

Run it back: Philly and Hurts MVP. 0.10 cents pays out 0.85.

Perplexing Penny Parlay/The Verdict

Okay, this one took me some time to build. I wanted to make it more realistic than last year, where I just threw it together without much thought. This single penny pays out 136.82 if it hits.

Chiefs to win (-120)

Mahomes MVP (+105)

Saquon first TD (+425)

2-point conversion (+180)

Game into overtime (+1200)

Both teams over 29.5 points (+220/+210)

Game over 48.5 (-110)

Come back in a couple of days for the Betting the Bowl LIX Post Mortem. I feel good about the bets this year, which usually means that I’m going to be way off. Enjoy the game, the snacks, and for some reason, the commercials. As a rule, I hate advertisements and I don’t understand this capitalist worship of such things.

DC Comics February 2025


Ever since my decision to break Marvel into two articles, my titles from the other publishers grew. For DC Comics February 2025, I just counted nine books to read and review. In the interest of time, I think I need to bring back the old format of categories instead of reviewing each issue. As an aside, Aiden got back into posting videos on YouTube. I think I might try to start a series of my own to cover all of the books in a more efficient manner. Be on the lookout for that next month.


Writer: John Ridley, Artist: Inaki Miransa
Writer: Tom Taylor, Mikal Janin

Both anthology books land back here. After some good stories, I just didn’t care all that much about either of these books this month. I enjoyed the main titles much more and think they have a more promising future overall right now. Granted, I’ve been wrong about these things in the past. And, I hope I am this time.


Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Artist: Jorge Fornes
Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Artist: Tony S. Daniel
Writer: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Vasco Gorgiev

It took a while for me to get on board with Zdarsky’s Batman. I loved his Spider-Man, but this title was hit or miss for a long time. Some great issues and then, mind bogglingly a very much not great one or two. Recently, though, this current story hooked me and I enjoyed the ride. Now that it’s over, hopefully he can keep things going. I added The Flash years ago because Aiden liked the character. Then, Joshua Williamson wrote some of the best Flash stories in my opinion. I liked Si Spurrier’s introduction, but felt like the quality fell off quickly. However, this current story is awesome and I’m fully invested.


Writer: Jeremy Adams, Artist: John Timms
Writer: Torunn Gronbekk, Artist: Marianna Ignazzi
Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Dan Mora
Writer: Tom Kin, Artist: Daniel Sampere

Aquaman returns in a big way. Wow, what a debut for the man “who talks to fish”. Glad they brought him back and gave him a good team to work with. Can’t wait to see where it goes. I never liked Gronbekk’s Venom or Thor much. But, I feel like she nailed Catwoman and brings the title back to the fun restart by Joelle Jones. Williamson’s Superman continues to amaze and Tom King finally figured out Wonder Woman a few issues ago and that understanding brings with it the Tom King I loved on Batman.

The Verdict

Like Marvel, DC Comics February 2025 continues a strong run. They put writers who understand the characters (imagine that!) and artists who complement the story well. I look forward to every new shipment of books. Plus, this year, we have some other media like the new Superman movie and Creature Commandos to enjoy.

Marvel Comics February 2025


Well, it took a snow day and a sick day from work to finally sit down and write Marvel Comics February 2025. As I wrote last time, I need to figure out a way to maintain the holiday momentum into January. Otherwise, things go stagnant for January and then it takes some time to regain the momentum in February. Sometimes, the lag lasts until March. I hope to avoid that this year, but much of my life get put on hold periodically, so stay tuned and send some positive mojo if you can spare.

Amazing Spider-Man 66 (Legacy 960)

Writer: Justina Ireland, Artist: Adrea Broccardo

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts : Spider-Man defeated, broken, and no more? It’s all hands on deck as first Spider-Boy and then Black Cat and finally the X-Men heed the call after Spider-Man’s defeat and the looming end of the world. I fell like the new team is trying to write the former storyline, but in a much better way. So far, I enjoy this story so much more than that and it more or less follows the same pattern of fighting a literal god. Hope they keep the momentum. My verdict: Good.

The Avengers 21 (Legacy 787)

Writer: Jed MacKay, Artist: Valerio Schiti

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Avengers face off against the X-Men in what Marvel promises to have far reaching implications for the future. Some fans called this one as soon as MacKay took over both titles. I never saw the first Avengers vs. X-Men story, so I welcome the chance to see the two mega teams in a battle. My verdict: Decent.

Fantastic Four 28 (Legacy 721)

Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Steven Cummings

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Official prologue to One World Under Doom. After failing to properly understand Magic in order to stop Doom, Sorcerer Supreme, Sue suggests that Reed can meet with The Black Knight. The Knight sends them back int time to search for a relic that they can use to help stop Doom. However, of course, not all is as it seems. I’m still pretty geeked over the trailer for the new movie, so that might color my thoughts on this one a bit. Then again, this alone remains from my favorite books since the latest reboot, so maybe I just love what they’ve done with Marvel’s first family. My verdict: Great.

The Immortal Thor 19 (Legacy 780)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Many, so many

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: While the All-Father is away, the Asgardians will…well, not quite play. There’s quite a serious storm brewing and this tells the tales of those who must respond to help fend it off. These are the kinds of stories that I love from Al Ewing. When he brings in the secondary and tertiary characters to give them a chance to shine. My verdict: Great.

The Incredible Hulk 21 (Legacy 802)

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Danny Earls

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Hulk defeated the Skinwalker cult, which awakened some of the most ancient and powerful evils on the planet. Joined by Werewolf at Night, they fight against a demonic wolf. In Charlie news, she gains strength and comes closer to being a super hero. However, other changes make her wonder if she’s a hero after all. Always worried about a letdown after they finish a big story like the previous one. However, PKJ kept things going with this one. I may have lost Guardians and She Hulk, but they gave me Hulk (and hopefully Spider-Man) back. My verdict: Great

The Verdict

With the decision to write separate articles for the X-Books, Marvel Comics February 2025 is only 5 titles. But, they are some of the core titles and some of the best they’ve been in decades. Additionally, unlike some recent events, I look forward to One World Under Doom.

Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025


After recommitting to the page in December, we went radio silent again last month. I think going forward, I might use January as a month to rest and recharge after the busy holiday season. But, no need to make that decision for another year or so. And, let’s jump start this month with Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025.

King Spawn 40

Writer: Rory McConville with additional script from Uncle Todd, Artist: Yildiray Cinar

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Spawn’s war reaches a near conclusion. While on the cusp of that conclusion, however, he gets lured into a trap. A trap that may cost him dearly due to his current lack of powers. This story initially turned me off, but I like the current angle that McConville brought over the last few issues. Bringing back Sam and Twitch and putting Spawn in mortal danger gives the story some extra oomph. My verdict: Good.

The Scorched 36

Writer: Layman with Uncle Todd on Additional Script, Artist: Steven Segovia

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Scorched and The Agency square off in the hunt for Medieval Spawn. Both teams pull out all of their tricks in an attempt to best the other. Their battles level part of The Vatican. My favorite Spawniverse book and one of my favorite writers. Two great tastes that taste great together. After lagging for a few months, this one gradually regained steam to get back to that former glory. My verdict: Great.

Spawn 360

Writer: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd on Additional Script. Artist: Brett Booth.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: After some back story, partly to build suspense, Spawn goes to face off against Bludd. Jessica tries to talk sense into him by pointing out that it’s an obvious trap and that he needs to chill out. I mean, telling someone to calm down always works, right? Yeah, it doesn’t here, either, and Bludd absolutely demolishes a powerless Spawn. Putting McConville in charge of both main titles was a smart move. It brings a cohesiveness to the story that was missing for a while. Now, we see how Spawn survives this deadly attack. My verdict: Good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Darick Robertson

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Hale runs, unchecked, through New York. He lies, cheats, and steals with abandon and seemingly no repercussions. Casey Jones hopes to change that. He confronts Hale and his cronies. Hale arrests him. Casey tries to escape, but Hale shoots him and again declares himself the King of New York. No turtles this time stunts the story some. Props to Aaron for bringing Casey into the book so quickly, but is he gone just as quickly? Yikes! My verdict: Good.

Bonus: Ultimate Spider-Man 13

Writer: Jonathon HIckman, Artist: Marco Checchetto

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The hunt is on for Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Now, Kraven’s involved. That ups everything, in a nod to Spinal Tap, to 11. Our protagonists survive and Spidey ends up back in New York where he runs into Black Cat. As Chris says, DCBS doing DCBS things and I only received this one from my Ultimate pull list. Who the heck knows. Nevertheless, a fun story and I can’t wait to see what comes next. My verdict: Decent.

The Verdict

Overall, a good collection of books in Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025 (with an added bonus!). I didn’t care for the lack of turtles and missed some of the other Spawn books (mostly Rat City). Plus, Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t quite catching for me yet. But, there’s always time for things to improve.

Annual Game Night 2025 ?


Theater brought some amazing people into our lives. Unfortunately, it took us a few years to realize just how amazing. But, we made up for it over the last few years. Two years in a row, we met them for trick or treating. Last year, we hung out with them for a Halloween party, too. Then, this year, early on during break Christine invited them over to our place for what we hope to be the start of a new tradition. I’m calling it Annual Game Night 2025.

They brought snacks; crackers and cheese, spinach dip, veggies, etc. We provided our own dip (buffalo chicken) and I made chicken sliders and beef sliders. Great food, good discussion, Some controversy when the topic of musicals came up. But, I left the room and came into the living room to hang with some of the kids. One worked on a puzzle while another commented how cool the corner of our couch was. Kids find joy in the simplest things sometimes.

Blockbuster (The Game)

We finally settled enough for several people to suggest starting a game. We offered about a dozen different games and our guests brought a dozen of their own. Ambitious, to be sure. Initially, we tried to play a phone game that supposedly could be cast to the television, but that technology failed. Then someone saw the Blockbuster game and suggested we play that.

Those that know me know my love for the old video store. I watched the documentary about the last store. It almost inspired me to drive to Oregon to visit them. Instead, as Christine mentioned a couple of times during the game, I paid $10 to walk through the Blockbuster Experience at comic con. Everyone else asked me how I liked it. I said, I’d do it again without hesitation. Cool experience and the right kind of nostalgia.

We played two teams of 8, which went surprisingly well. The only snags came when some of the kids didn’t know some of the movies. But, we helped them through and it made the game even more fun in my opinion. Oh, also, the games took so long that we didn’t have time enough for any of the other games. Hence, my “ambitious” comment earlier.

The Verdict

Every January, we try to highlight new games. While I haven’t updated the header yet, I want to keep things going on the page after all the momentum I built during break. Also, I wanted to talk about how much fun the Annual Game Night 2025 was and how much we want to do it again. Stay tuned for more thought on the actual game this weekend.

A Trip to That’s E (December 2024)


As we drove home from the Lego Fan Fest in Worcester, I noticed we were close to That’s Entertainment. I asked the boys if they wanted to stop. They sure did. And this is about a trip That’s E (December 2024). Well, mostly. I picked up a couple of other books to fill in recent runs. I also left far too much on the shelves. Post Christmas budgeting and all. But, I haven’t posted in almost a week and I want to keep my momentum going. Enjoy my thoughts on these two books.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation 1 and 2

Writer: Tom Waltz, Artist: Vincenzo Frederici

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: This series features Raph’s journey in the fallout after issue 150. As to be expected, he hops on his motorcycle and just goes. However, something from his past detours him to Area 51. As usual, he’s faced with the possibility that he bit off more than he can chew in his life away from the turtles. They also check in with Casey Jones in another story.

A few months ago I wrote about a third TMNT comic after the reboot. While I couldn’t find it at the time, I found it during a trip to That’s E (December 2024). I’m glad that I did. I read recently that someone thinks the turtles can challenge some of the big boys for readers. I agree that, so far, they’ve done a good job with the new books. My verdict: Good.

Violator 1 – 4 (of 6)

Writer: Marc Andreyko, Artist: Various.

Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The true (?) story of the Violator’s origins from the birth in hell through various historical tragedies on earth.

Overall, a fun take on the character that I normally don’t give a second chance in the main title. I like the unreliable narrator angle and that it ties into actual events in history. I hope we get more titles like this in the new year. My verdict: Good

The Verdict

Two decent comics that I’m glad I chose. I wasn’t expecting much from Violator, but it pleasantly surprised me. And, TMNT seems to be taking a page from Uncle Todd’s book. They expanded the “universe” so to speak, but they’re taking it piece by piece.

Violator covers taken from Image.

2024 Gamer Resolutions


This article might be a little half baked. I just came up with the idea a couple of days ago. Also, I generally don’t do resolutions as a rule. But I threw it on the calendar to keep me updating the page on a regular basis. The momentum of the new year always carries me to at least April, so hopefully that happens again. Now, finally sitting down to write it, I came up with a couple of things to discuss. So, in no particular order, I present my 2024 gamer resolutions.

Resolution 1 – Clear the Backlog (Some)

As I understand, resolutions need to be realistic and attainable in order to be effective. Since I only have one year and my backlog consists of a pile of shame for ever console as well as buy and forget purchases on Steam, I want to set the goal at five games taken off the list. Top of this list is Hades. I’ve been slowly working my way through this game for the better part of 4 years. I now have new found inspiration from the fact that I started and finished the story of Pikmin 3 in less than a week. Having my own Switch definitely helps with this one. While a recent addition, I think that I can finish Spider-Man no problem because I’m obsessed. It just becomes a race if I can do it before Aiden. Probably not. Lastly, I don’t think I ever finished Diablo III and I know for a fact I never finished any of the Fallout series.

Chris recommended you. Liam bought you for Christmas. I owe it to them both to finally finish you.
Is a game really part of your backlog if you just bought it? Philosophical questions like this are part of the reason I never finish a game.
Oh, Skyrim. You were there for me when I was an unemployed stay at home dad. Now that I’m working, I let you sit on the shelf and collect dust. Oh, cruel fates for us both.

2 – Stream or Share Gaming Content

This one keeps coming up every so often. As part of my desire to try to build a community around the page, I want to stream and make the YouTube page more active. Every now and then, I find ways to accomplish this for a time, but it always falls to the wayside as one of the first things to go when things get busy. Maybe with this resolution guiding me, I can actually make it happen this year.

3 – Support Indie Developers

This one wont’ be a problem. I love exploring new games by smaller companies. Initially it started from the games that Humble Bundle provided. However, I like the games so much that I often search for them first on Steam when I need something new to play. A game for two to five dollars that brings me hours or days of entertainment is worth the price every single time.

4 – Explore Gaming History

While we love our history here at 2 Generations Gaming, we rarely focus exclusively on that. Maybe in August, our anniversary, we can set aside some time to look at the history of all different types of games. The Retroid Pocket makes that easy for video games. Reddit and other search engines can bring me back to the golden ages of different tabletop games as well.

5 – Introduce Friends and Family to Games

I make no secret about my desire to introduce my family to Dungeons and Dragons. I tried once, but failed miserable. Then I tried to come up with ways to make it better, but the interest waned. Quinn and I played a couple of sessions and that was fun. But, I really just want to have a monthly session with them for an ongoing campaign.

I also wrote recently that both Chris and Christine showed interest in Warhammer. I need more experience with that to show anyone else how to play. But, I suppose we could play through the tutorials together and learn at the same time. The family that plays together stays together.

The Verdict

I think I have a good list to 2024 gamer resolutions here. Something for every aspect of my gaming life. What about all of you out there? Do you have any 2024 gamer resolutions to take into the new year?