Category Archives: Snap *censored* Pop Culture

Spawniverse October 2024


With the soft relaunch last month, I split my comic reviews over three weeks. Furthermore, I needed three separate articles in the last week to cover all of the Marvel comic books. I hoped that by dividing and conquering the many books I now receive that I could cover them better and offer a more reader friendly experience. Plus, I read the other day that Uncle Todd plans to release four new books next year. I definitely made the right decision in that case. For now, I bring you four books for Spawniverse October 2024.

For some reason, no King Spawn released this month. Therefore, only Gunslinger, Rat City, Scorched, and the main title will be covered in this article. I looked to see if the book maybe got cancelled, but the Image web page assures me that books are planned through the end of the year. Hopefully things get back on track for next month.

Gunslinger 35

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Carlo Barberi.

Quick Synopsis: Javier lies in a coma in the hospital. While he convalesces, his memory takes him on a trip to another time when he experienced severe trauma. Facing off against an angel who killed a family, the battle ends up with Javi playing possum and briefly getting the upper hand. However, that victory is short lived as a flock of ravens comes to take Gunslinger away from the battle and into a forest to die. Of course, he didn’t and that brings us back to the present. A present that sees medical staff studying the comatose hellspawn and someone from Javier’s past recognizes him from the news report and wants to find him no matter the cost.

My verdict: The beat em up is interesting enough with the fight going back and forth between Javier and the angel. I think the end left me feeling a little bit empty, but I understand it from a storytelling perspective. The cut from his broken body then to his broken body now makes sense in the context of everything happening. The reveal at the end took me a bit by surprise, but I’d be lying if it didn’t make me excited for what’s coming. As always, Barberi’s art is beautiful and brings the story to life. Decent.

Spawniverse October 2024 – Rat City 6

Writer: Erica Schultz, Artist: Ze Carlos.

Quick Synopsis: The issue opens with a comprehensive history of New York that ends in Rat City. The story draws parallels between Al Simmons returning here when he first became a hellspawn and the same thing happening today (in the future today) with the new Hellspawn. The issue ends with a mistakenly injured person being brought back on the operating table with what looks like the intent of creating some kind of super soldier.

My verdict: The weird “through time” aspect of the introduction of this title intrigued me. While not strictly time travel, it uses a lot of those types of story techniques to illustrate exactly what happened. Because Al influenced the future with his actions, this now influences the story. However, they accomplish this without making it a direct retelling of the original Spawn. Very cool idea and well executed so far. The only complaint I have is that the art looks a bit rushed on some pages. Most are great, but some seem to be missing the detail that takes me a bit out of the story. Good.

Spawniverse October 2024 – Scorched 33

Writer: John Layman with Uncle Todd on additional plot, Artist: Dudu Pansica.

Quick Synopsis: They declare a Haunt dead because all bioscans reveal no life. This leads to a flashback telling of how this creature came into existence. The merger of the recently deceased and his killer, Sam and Twitch stumble on the thing. It makes a getaway before facing off against Spawn. Spawn defeats it. Sam and Twitch end up on the case when they find the remains, but a federal agency takes over and takes the body. The issue ends with this Haunt waking up, recognizing there’s another out there, and vowing to find the other Haunt to drain it of its power.

My verdict: I like the parallel story here, too. Any time you get to go back into the Spawn’s history, it makes me smile. As a teenager, I liked Spawn more than any other book I read at the time and I truly think that it ushered in a new era in comic books. Maybe not right away, but writers and artists who read the book and saw what can be done took that to heart and started realizing their power more. But, that’s neither here nor there as far as this story. I like what Layman has done with the book and hope he keeps writing it for a while. Plus, the art never lags on this one, even with a name I don’t recognize. Good.

Spawn 356

Writer: Rory McConville, Artist: Brett Booth.

Quick Synopsis: This issue gives Lyra’s back story. We don’t know until the end, but she’s telling it to Al. When she finishes, she tells him that if he helps her to get Bludd, then she will become one of his soldiers in his new war. Overall, a decent origin story issue that hits all of the right notes for the character. A tragic beginning complete with a gruesome death. Stories of angels and demons. A brush in with those forces. Training her mind and body.

My verdict: Because I know less about Lyra than some of the other characters, this one proved to have less of an effect on me than the other issues that took us into the past. But, as I wrote, I liked the story. It brought me more understanding of the character. Plus, the fact that she will probably become recurring gives me more of a reason to get invested. Then again, they could always kill her off between now and then. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. I think Booth’s art most closely resembles Uncle Todd and I’m glad they put him on the flagship title because it fits so well. Good.

The Verdict

The Spawniverse October 2024 continues the incremental improvement of the books month by month. For a while there, I thought that Uncle Todd bit off more than he could chew with the additional books. But, he must have recognized the same because he shook things up, brought in new creators, expanded the universe even more, and the books finally started to hit their stride again. I think he figured it all out because they show little signs of fatigue at this point. And, if I’m being honest, I’m looking forward to the four new books next year.

Images from the mothership

More info on the new books here.

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3


At long last, we arrive at the final article for our comic reviews. In fact, we celebrate two milestones. I also gave up on making any interactive elements for this year’s Spooktober and went with a boring old banner instead. Maybe next year. Additionally, Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3 represents the final article for last month’s selection of books. Hopefully things run more smoothly in the coming months. But, no promises.

This article brings Venom and 2 X-Books for our enjoyment. If you want a TLDR; Venom has been inconsistent for a while, I’m not sure how I feel about X-Force’s just yet, and Jed McKay’s X-Men got off to a decent start last time. If you, instead, want more depth, keep reading.

Venom 36 (Legacy 236)

Writer: Torunn Gronbekk, Artist: Cafu

Quick Synopsis: Someone who looks and acts very much like Cable fights against some alien or cybernetic monster. H realizes that to finish his mission he needs to die, but that time is not yet. Speaking of time, he jumps through time to “Now” and assesses the situation in the Venom War. I actually know nothing about Venom War, but the issue ends with Spider-Man confronting who we now know is Old Man Venom.

My verdict: Too many crossovers and events for Venom lately. I said the book was uneven, but it’s more that there’s just too much homework right now to completely understand what’s going on. I hope that Venom War leads to some sort of soft reboot and a jumping on point for people. Otherwise, it’s just going to get more convoluted from this point forward and who has the time to read all that backstory? Decent.

X-Force 2 (Legacy 292)

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne, Artist: Marcus To

Quick Synopsis: Forge’s team moves on from the events of the previous issue right into Wakanda. The run afoul of the Wakandans and surrender to Black Panther. He threatens to wipe all mutants off the planet again, but Forge intervenes. Through the battle, they seal the fracture int he planet. No time to celebrate. The shit is hitting the fan on Cambodia.

My verdict: A group of Forge’s hand picked mutants from the bench that act as mercenaries to clean up the fallout from the Krakoa messy ending. Seems like my kind of book, right? Well, yes and no. Still having trouble wrapping my head around the whole team and caring all that much what happens to them. This might be the first to go when I start trimming the pull list again. Decent.

X-Men 2 and 3 (Legacy 302 and 303)

Writer: Jed McKay
Artist: Ryan Stegman

Quick Synopsis: A mutant named Ben rambles about alien abduction. A social worker tries to calm him. As it turns out, Ben had something to be worried about. Scott’s new team of X-Men fights off the aliens and takes in a badly injured Ben to try to figure out what happened to him. In the next issue, Scott debriefs with a contact from the US government, the rest of the team fights to keep themselves and their new headquarters safe. The issue ends with Scott and the team standing off against the government, insinuating that a war might be imminent. Scott retires to a bathroom to get his shit together.

My verdict: Unlike X-Force, which Marvel promoted as “finding its stride”, this book is already in stride and off and running. Granted much of that comes from the fact that we know and love almost all of the characters in this book. Also, Jed McKay has proven himself a prolific and good comic book writer. I will continue to give X-Force a shot, but only because I feel like this all leads to another X-Men/Avengers mega event at some point and I want to be up to date when it happens. Stegman’s art isn’t as clean as the other two X-Books I read, but I still like his style and it brings a fun to the book that counters the seeming constant trauma and tragedy right now. Good.

Final Verdict

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 3 ends the month on a bit of a downturn. The books aren’t bad. It’s just that one of them requires too much homework right now and I haven’t quite fully bought into the other. X-Men is great and I can’t wait to read more of that one. As a final thought, you may have noticed I didn’t mention the art in Venom or X-Force. While good, I don’t necessarily collect for the art. I didn’t want it gone unsaid that I liked it, though.

Images taken from the mothership.

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2


Yes, it’s October. And, yes, this article mentions Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2. I told you, I wanted to change things up around here. Also, in the same article (or a different recent one), I mentioned that I always forget how hard the beginning of the school year hits. Hell, just this afternoon, I fell asleep for a good hour or so. The rest of my family joined me for nap time. Adorable, yes. But, also, brutal.

The long story short (I know, always too late) is that I split the Marvel Comics this month into 3 groups of four to allow for my more in depth reviews in a relatively timely fashion. A couple of days ago, I wrote about the first four. Today, I cover Thor, Hulk, Nyx, and Phoenix. Next time will be Venom and two other X-titles.

The Immortal Thor 13 (Legacy 774)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Quick Synopsis: The issue starts with an interlude to introduce the principles in the story. Ewing tells it from a more modern perspective with both Thor and Loki wearing trendy tees and dad shorts. That leads to a name drop of Nyx and the “land of eternal night”. Cut to Thor and Herc traveling to Antarctica to face another trial. They succeed with some intervention from Loki. The issue ends with someone from Herc’s past entering into the picture.

My verdict: After what I consider to be growing pains at the beginning of the Al Ewing Thor era, this title came into its own. I love the dichotomy of the modern introduction with the mythology of the rest of the book works very well. It makes me think of a quote from Chris Hemsworth who said (paraphrased), “Maybe we had too much fun making the fourth Thor movie.” First, I don’t understand how you can have too much fun making a movie? Sure, it’s a job, but it must be hella fun, too. Second, I don’t agree. I really enjoyed that movie. People are just miserable shits. Anyway, this issue channeled much of that fun. I think I wrote last time that I didn’t recognize the artist, but he’s on the title full time. Good thing. He gives life to both the modern story and the story of the trial. Then, the final reveal brings it full circle. Good

The Incredible Hulk 15 (Legacy 796)

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Danny Earls

Quick Synopsis: As the eldest senses a Hulk approaching through the desert, it brings her back to a time millennia ago. A nomad finds a cave. In that cave, the first hulk awakens. It goes on a rampage and kills several and maims one. That one drags his destroyed body back to deliver a message to the Eldest. -She exterminates him and the issue closes with the showdown between the Eldest and the Incredible Hulk imminent.

My Verdict: PKJ tells a wonderful horror story. He continues the recent history of Al Ewing bringing back the horror to the title. This particular story adds to the mythology by bringing us back to the original Hulk. Not the original as in the 60s, but the first Hulk. Way further back that that. It reminds me of the Venom story that introduced Knull. This one leaned a little too heavy on the violence for me, but PKJ didn’t sacrifice story for it, so I don’t mind. Of the two artists that work on Hulk now, I prefer Earls. Even though he still gives the book a more cartoonish vibe, the dimensions aren’t quite as weird and the models have more depth. Good.

Nyx 2

Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Artist: Francesco Mortarino

Quick Synopsis: Laura on the cover. That’s not a an okie doke. The entire issue deals with her trying to track down and infiltrate the group responsible for the missing mutants. She starts by mistakenly shaking down the protectors of a mutant. But, that gets her a lead that she uses to go undercover as “Scratch” when the lackey tries to identify her as the Wolverine. By proving that she’s the second best at what she does, she works her way up to the head, Mr. Friend. Uh, no. Mojo is in charge. After a good first shot, Mojo sends her back with her tail between her legs to love to fight another day.

My verdict: Kelly and Lanzing brought me the most fun Guardians of the Galaxy stories in their history. For those who think that James Gunn owns the Guardians wholesale, please read Grootfall. They bring that magic to this title, one that I never read before, and are telling a fantastic story so far. The art brings me back to the X-Men of my youth and that’s a good thing. This might be my favorite X-title to come out of the ashes so far. Great.

Phoenix 2

Writer: Stephanie Phillips, Artist: Alessandro Miracolo.

Quick Synopsis: Jean chose the life of universal protector. This issue continues setting that up and throws her a curveball. Her family arrives to tell her that her services are needed. She heeds this advice only to realize that family is, as always, complicated.

My verdict: I missed the first issue of this one, so I’m catching up on the fly. But, I don’t want things to go years like they did with the previous iteration of the X-books. With that being said, I don’t know if there’s enough interest out there for a solo Phoenix book right now. I love that they’re giving more voices to more creators, so I hope the book continues. I just wonder. Additionally, for this one too, that whoever is finding the talent for these books has guys like me in mind who remember 90s X-Men. Good

Final Verdict (Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2)

I enjoyed the first group of books for Marvel Comics so far this month. Honestly, Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 2 brings more of the same. Little to no drop off in quality in either writing or art for these book, either. I keep saying and I will keep saying it. This is an amazing time to be a comic book fan.

Images taken from the mothership.

Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 1


It took until October, but I finally started to finish the September comics with Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 1. As you know, I adjusted my comics review schedule to give me more time to read and review the comics in a more reader friendly way. That pushed the bulk of the books (Marvel at 12) into the end of the month and the beginning of October.

I now find myself further separating that lot of books into 3 groups of four for this week. That’s why this one goes by the name Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 1. I suppose that one positive is that now there is no lag as far as comic content goes. You get reviews every week of every month now. Hey, this really is working out for the best.

Avengers 17 (Legacy 783)

Writer: Jed McKay, Artist: Valerio Schiti

Quick Synopsis: The Avengers debrief after the Blood Hunt. While some think her judgement too harsh, Carol considers their response a failure. When they adjourn, Tony goes to speak with her. As her sponsor, he warns her against trading one addiction for another (guilt). Meanwhile, someone drops off a USB drive and a gold nugget as payment to deliver the drive. T’Challa apologizes to the Impossible City for allowing it to be overrun by the vampires. Wanda visits Vision, who shows her his garden and that he can’t help but agree with Carol about their failure. Sam visits his friend, Storm, for an outside opinion and asks her to join the team. The USB drive contains a message from Hyperion that gives the Avengers no more time to feel sorry for themselves as they need to prepare for this invasion.

My Verdict: I enjoy Jed McKay’s take on the Avengers. I liked them since the first issue. This issue shows one of the reasons why. He deals with the vulnerability of super powered beings in a way that few people explore in modern comics. I like my super humans to be humans at their core and that’s one of the reasons that it took me so long to get on board with Superman. But, McKay gives us a good look into everyone’s soul after they won but got their butts handed to them. The art is a little too simplistic for my tastes and looks an awful lot like anime. Not bad, mind you, just a bit jarring. Good.

Captain America 12 (Legacy 762)

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski, Artist: Jesus Saiz

Quick Synopsis: Cap and the crew start off the issue by laying out the plan to get into New York City. They need to fly part of the way and then ride in the rest of the way. When someone inquires why they ride instead of flying the whole way, Cap simply says that it’s risky with death literally waiting for them there. Death then takes some time to tell his side of the story in anticipation of the showdown. Cap’s crew takes one last chance to pull themselves together and heads into the city. They arrive to a city decimated and an army determined to stop them.

My verdict: I don’t usually think of such supernatural happenings as this when I think of Cap. Doctor Strange, obviously, sometimes Thor and Loki, Hulk now that they redefined the character as horror, and even the Avengers once in a while. But, the stand alone Cap title usually deals with more standard super hero stuff. That being said, I don’t hate it. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. As I wrote during my review a couple of months ago, it’s grown on me. I think the main thing keeping me interested is Saiz’s art. He contrasts the light and the dark, the human and the mystical in such a seamless and, frankly, cool way. Good.

Doctor Strange 18 (Legacy 444)

Writer: Jed McKay, Artist: Pasqual Ferry

Quick Synopsis: Strange gave up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme at the end of Blood Hunt. This issue deals with the aftermath of that decision. First, he realizes that without that power, he must be more careful. Mordo helps him with that realization by showing up to kill him once and for all. Clea helps and they discuss the decision to surrender the power to Doom. That leads Strange to follow up by confronting Doom. He is ignored and ends up back in the company of Clea. As Jed McKay wrote in his editorial at the end, Strange lost his power, but gained the love of his life. With that, another of my favorite books recently ends this current run.

My verdict: McKay also said something about Strange being a perpetual sidekick. I never saw him that way. In fact, growing up, he was always one of my favorite characters. Then again, I always gravitated towards the odd balls of the group during that time of my comics collecting. Anyway, with this and Avengers, McKay does bittersweet better than anyone out there right now. “The End” on the last page shocked me and made me a bit sad. Then, I read the editorial and thought, “He’s right. That’s really all we can ask for.” So, for now, Dr. Steven Strange lives in peace and happiness. Ferry’s art always tickled me on this title. He gives it just the right amount of ethereal that a title about magic as might needs. Great.

Fantastic Four 24 (Legacy 717)

Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Carlos Gomez

Quick Synopsis: The FF fight against an alien life form. Much of the issue deals with this battle. After they think they might have lost it, Reed finds, confronts, and continues the fight with the being. When it looks like all is lost, a force of warmth that feels like home comes to rescue Reed and ensure that he fights another day. Doom comes and his family need him. The issue closes out with Johnny cuddling another being that looks like the one they fought and assuring it that it’s safe and will be loved.

My verdict: When I wrote about She-Hulk and Rainbow Rowell as the perfect writer for that book, I also mentioned this book and Ryan North as another example. He brings such an old school vibe to the title that I hope they are able to channel for the movie that’s coming out. When I read this book, I can imagine myself as a young child or teenager in the 60s and 70s reading the old stories of love, hope, and family. Sometimes they struggled with that in the recent iterations, but I’m glad it’s back now. And the art brings the same fun bright colors and happy vibe that completes the whole package. Great

Final Verdict

So far, I don’t regred ordering 15 (!) Marvel books. Even though I split it up into pieces and only reviewed 4 books in Marvel Comics September 2024 Part 1, the books I read are all fantastic. If I had more money to throw at comics, I could follow up on some of the other smaller titles that Chris recommends and even check out a few more DC books. Then again, if anyone wants to sponsor me and throw me a few bucks, I wouldn’t say no to that, either.

Images taken from the mothership.

Pour One Out for She-Hulk


If you followed the page for any length of time, you know that I loved Rainbow Rowell’s run on She-Hulk. Actually, loved might even be an understatement. I adored it. I looked forward to every new issue and couldn’t wait to read them. More than once, I think I called it the perfect marriage of creator and character. And, now, with Sensational She-Hulk 10, that run comes to an end. So, let’s pour one out for She-Hulk.

What Makes the Book So Great?

It came at a time when Marvel peaked as far as putting together comic book writers who understood the characters inside and out. Avengers, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, and She-Hulk all brought the old school flavor of their characters with modern touches that enhanced the books in a way that I haven’t witnessed since the Civil War era of Marvel. Heck, not even Nick Spencer’s run on Spider-Man came close to what they assembled (pun intended) with these four books. Two of them now, ingloriously ended. However, we get Lanzing and Kelly on Nyx. And, McKay writes for both Avengers and X-Men now, so I look forward to an epic crossover there.

But, honestly, Rainbow Rowell on She-Hulk may never be topped. She brought a light and buoyant energy to a title that too often strayed into self pity before she came along. I laughed at her attempts to retain some level of normalcy as a giant green behemoth. I cried when her relationship always seemed to go sideways. In this issue, I cheered because everything finally came full circle and set the character up for the future.

Only 12 issues short of 200. That’s the other tragedy here. Whoever takes over, when they do, they’ll get a chance to celebrate that milestone. Hopefully, Marvel invites Rainbow Rowell back to write a story for the big two-oh-oh. Thankfully, in the meantime, we can still read her in DC Comics. But, I miss the hell out of a new She-Hulk book to look forward to every month. It just won’t be the same not being able to read about the super heroine who tries to have it all.

Bittersweet Farewell

I’m terrible at saying “Good bye”. If this article didn’t prove that to you, I wanted to reiterate it there. Granted, I have all of the issues of the run to look back on. But, as I said, it just won’t be the same as experiencing it all for the first time. And, so, we pour one out for She-Hulk. Marvel-616 won’t be the same without you.

Took the image from

Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024


With my new commitment to making the page more reader friendly, I spread my comics reviews out over the month instead of trying to finish them all in one week. Even so, with all of the new X-Men titles, I need to read and review over a dozen Marvel books. So, I split them up this week into two categories. Lucky for me, one of those categories included Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950 and The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775. Okay, I guess we’re celebrating quarters now. Fine.) both arrived in my DCBS order this month. And, still, even if I review those both in this article and give Sensational She-Hulk the send off she deserves, that’s still twelve books to read and review. I should look at that as a good problem to have. So, I will.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950

Writer: Zeb Wells (Oi), Artist: JRJR.

Quick Synopsis: We open on a flashback where Kingpin and Tombstone are on a safari. Kingpin points out a lion who took over a pack and killed a baby because resources are scarce. Power and something something, you get the point. In the present, Spidey breaks up an arms deal and attempts to keep the illusion alive that he’s working with Tombstone. Something something, tenuous grip on power. Tombstone pulls up while Robby and Peter are talking and “invites” Peter into the limo. Something something and they’re now fighting. The fight gets interrupted by She-Hulk and Luke Cage (Peter’s lawyer and the mayor?) and they take Tombstone into custody. The issue ends with the opening of Tombstone’s trial. There are also two short stories that I only skimmed. One shows how Peter retained She-Hulk’s services. The other mentions Wayep, so yeah.

My Verdict: While not a great issues, this one is decent. It’s not as bad as the worst of Wells. So, I give him credit for a mostly fun story in this landmark issue. I still refuse to read any more of what’s he’s done. Chris told me that it’s been up and down, but I guess I only saw the down. Also, Spidey is my favorite super hero of all time, so you don’t do him dirty and expect me to forgive you any time soon. JRJR’s art has absolutely evolved in a good way over time. While still distinct and blocky and not quit on the level of dear old dad, I don’t mind it as much on this book right now. Decent and that’s saying something from me, a know drinker of “Zeb Wells Amazing Spider-Man” haterade.

The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Quick Synopsis: This, too, opens with some background. Rhea seeks the wisdom of Gaea to help keep her child alive. Because of Gaea’s actions, the child is doomed to be devoured by Chronos. Chronos arrives, takes the child, but spares him. That child grows up to be Zeus, who fulfills the prophecy of Gaea. In the present, Thor and Hercules wander through the dark realm that they were banished to. The book is billed as Thor the All-Father vs. Zeus the Skyfather and it doesn’t disappoint. A fun story and battle steeped in Norse mythology. It ends with Thor defeating Zeus and taking his power. Hercules isn’t so sure he likes the new Thunder God, but Thor tells him not to worry.

My verdict: I admit to not getting the first couple of issues of this book when Al Ewing took over. The whole Roxxon thing turned me off a bit. I know that it has deep roots in Marvel Comics history. However, it just didn’t work for me. I knew that Ewing would figure it out. He always does. But, after his masterful run on The Incredible Hulk and great stories on Venom, I just found the whole thing weird. I’m not familiar with the artist on this one, but they bring the head (well, lightning) in the fight without going overboard. I mean, they could be forgiven as it is two gods fighting for supremacy, but they show restraint. And, the more introspective scenes are painted with a deft hand to bring some balance to the story. Great. I love the mythology piece and the fight really was awesome.

The Verdict

We knew going in that Marvel Comics Legacy Issues September 2024 might be a bit of a mixed bag. I hoped for a decent Spider-Man story and got that. I didn’t know what to expect from Thor both because it’s such a weird milestone to celebrate but also because the Roxxon story still lingers in the back of my mind. But, I loved this issue.

Extended Spawniverse September 2024


I wrote last week that I decided to break up my comic reviews over the month instead of trying to get them all done in one week. I reviewed DC and TMNT #1 the first week. Then, last week, I talked about the “main” titles in the Spawniverse. This week, in addition to Marvel comics, I want to talk about what I’m calling the Extended Spawniverse September 2024.

From the looks of it, Uncle Todd hired so much talent that he needed to come up with new titles to put them all on. Especially since he took over the reigns again on the main titles, they all picked up (or pitched because I’m not sure how the titles came into being) books that bear the “New *Spawn head* U” sticker on them. I, for one, welcome anything done by everyone that Uncle Todd brings on to work on his books.

Monolith 1 (of 3)

Writer: Sean Lewis, Artist: Velerio Giangiordano.

Quick Synopsis: The year is 3030. The universe is dying. Spawns answer the call to save it and fail. This pits the rest of the universe against the Spawns. Monolith gets diverted while coming back to Earth and ends up in a prison colony. Omega Spawn, fittingly known as the destroyer of worlds, rules the prison. He bides his time waiting for Monolith. When the “final Spawn” shows, Omega tries to recruit him to his cause. Gaia interferes in the showdown, telling Monolith that he can be more. Even though I said that all of the talent here worked on other Uncle Todd projects, I don’t recognize the name of this artist. But, the art fits the character and the story. I look forward to more from this artist. My verdict: Good.

Rat City

Writer: Erica Schultz, Artist: Ze Carlos.

Quick Synopsis: I only read the first issues of these books for this review. Before next month, I plan to get caught up. That way, I can follow them as they grow. While Monolith (and another one called Misery that I just learned about) are limited series, the other two look like they have issues planned through the end of the year at least. Okay, now for the synopsis. It’s 80 years in the future during World War 3 and an elite fighting force introduces us to a few characters, including the main character. Through the story, he loses his legs and they are replaced with cybernetic ones. At the end of the issue, he can’t remove them and this has something to do with good old Al Simmons. Ze Ramos brings a cool futuristic touch to this one that Monolith missed in spite of taking place in 3030. But, that makes sense since that one takes place near the end of the universe. My verdict: Decent.

Sam and Twitch Case Files

Writer: Uncle Todd with Jon Goff, Artist: Szymon Kudranski.

Quick Synopsis: They introduced Sam and Twitch as supporting characters during the early days of the main title. They became popular and released a book starring the two. Like many Image books at the time, it suffered from delays and saw an inglorious end after only 26 issues. When they announced the new U, you knew they had to include these guys in the mix. Sure enough, here they come. Sam roughs up a goon while on a case. This gets him suspended. Twitch sets out to “make it right” and finds himself on suspension, too. But, another detective calls them in to get a set of “fresh eyes” on a case that looks to be very messy. Kudranksi’s art works perfect for this title. He brings a realness and a creepiness that will serve the story well. My verdict: Good.

The Verdict

While not explicitly from this month, the books that I read for the Extended Spawniverse September 2024 all introduce the titles well. Of the three, I think that Sam and Twitch will end up being my favorite. However, Misery looks to follow the same creepy horror vibe of one of my favorite Spawn stories. So, even though that one is only 4 issues, I think I’ll enjoy the heck out of that one.

Cover shots taken from the mothership.

Spawniverse September 2024


I learned recently that they added some new titles to Uncle Todd’s Spawn Universe (Rat City and they brought back Sam and Twitch). I intend to cover those books later in the week or, more likely, over the weekend. For this article, I want to cover the main books as I see them in Spawniverse September 2024.

You may notice that it is the third week of the month and I only posted the DC Comics review. The reason for that is two fold. One, I started back to school (as evidenced by the new theme) and that took up far too much of my time. Two, I actually think I like the idea better of dedicating one week to each of the three publishers. It gives me more time to digest the issues and offer a better reading experience. I hope. Let me know.

Gunslinger 34

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Carlo Barberi.

Quick Synopsis: This issue deals with the initial aftermath of the shitstorm between Javi and the police that built from the previous few issues since the “reset”. Gunslinger, himself, badly injured in the fracas, falls into a medicated induced sleep. The doctors say that his mind surely fractured due to the physical and mental stress. This manifests in a dream that relives part of his past. I feel like in different hands, this might have been handled with more subtlety. But, honestly, we don’t come to Spawn for that, so I’m okay with the outcome. Barberi’s art, as usual, compliments the story and brings the characters to life in a way that few others can. My verdict: Good

King Spawn 37

Writer: Uncle Todd, Artist: Yildiray Cinar

Quick Synopsis: Speaking of a lack of subtlety, King Spawn brings together Al Simmons and Cy-Gor for all out war against Tyrone and his thugs. The two make quick and bloody work of all of them, barely breaking a sweat before making a get away with a hostage that they intend to use as a bargaining chip to get closer to his real target. I’m not familiar with this particular artist, but I like his work in this book. My verdict: Great.

Spawn 355

Writer: Rory McConville with Uncle Todd on additional script. Artist: Brett Booth.

Quick Synopsis: Downing comes to Spawn and others under the guise of taking them back to hell. Instead, he takes them to one of Spawn’s safe houses where they find a badly injured Reaper. After dealing with that, Downing explains that he pulled the old rope a dope because Nyx isn’t responding to communications and he thought that Spawn and the others might know why. The issue closes with Al making a deal with Lyra for a tentative partnership and Wynn checking in with Fixer and giving him a couple of partners in crime. Booth, like Barberi, brings the world of Spawn to life with his art. We truly are spoiled by living in a time when so much talent works on these books. My verdict: Great.

The Scorched 32

Writer: Layman with Uncle Todd on additional script, Artist: Steven Segovia.

Quick Synopsis: The Scorched team up to combat their former teammate, She Spawn. And they bring Overt-Kill with them. Even with that extra fire power, though, Haunt ends up going of the deep end and injuring her quite severely. The issue ends with them speaking over her in a hospital bed. Wynn makes the comment that they have nothing to worry about when it comes to control over her. Wait, what’s that I see? A wry smile from Jessica? Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us. Segovia’s art brings a more cartoonish quality to the series. I like it in spite of that fact, but wish it had more of the realism of Booth or Barberi. My verdict: Great.

The Verdict (Spawniverse September 2024)

The main titles in the Spawniverse September 2024 continue the strong upward trend of the recent issues ever since they rebooted and shook up the creative teams. All four of the books are telling great stories in their own right. They also try to tell a cohesive story together, but as with many of these types of cross book stories, some things get lost in the shuffle. As long as you can deal with those inconsistencies, you’ll have fun reading these books.

Images taken from the mothership.



As I wrote somewhere else, I always forget how hard the beginning of school hits. As a result, some comic reviews got pushed into this week. It works out for the weekly theme, though. The new Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection game releases on Thursday. So, I don’t feel bad pushing TMNT #1, the Spawniverse, and Marvel Comics to this week. It also gave me a chance to rethink some aspects of the page to make them more reader friendly. I hope. I want you all to be the judges.

As far as the comic goes, so begins the Jason Aaron era of the turtles. He actually wrote a introduction story in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Alpha that I read and thought I wrote about on the page. But, I can’t find it, so maybe I just wrote the article in my sleep and never actually sat down to write it when awake. In any case, this gives me a chance to try a new format.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Synopsis

Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Joelle Jones

The Synopsis: The story in TMNT #1 follows Raphael in San Quentin State Prison. Nobody else knows why he’s there. He relishes the anonymity and uses it to his advantage to stay out of harm’s way as much as possible. However, on the first night after we join him there, he realizes that some prisoners dug and escape tunnel. He follows them into the tunnel and leaves them all unconscious. The warden joins Raphael the next day and gives us some clues as to why he’s there.

They want him to root out the corruption in the prison from the inside. Ah, if only it were that easy. The foot clan breaks into the prison (by posing as new inmates) and foils those plans by killing a guard and the warden. Raph uses the tunnel to escape and search for the other turtles. Meanwhile, one of the candidates for attorney general gets thrown off a bridge by some crooked cops. This leaves Hale as the only candidate and presumptive attorney general.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Review

The Story: When I told Chris the news about Jason Aaron taking over Turtles, he wondered if the tone would be right. Granted, Aaron gives us a different take on the heroes in the half shell than what I became used to over the last year or so. However, I like the shift in tone. I think that the brothers are versatile enough that they can handle the new darker tone that this version brings.

I also know that this won’t be the entire book, either. Even in the sillier versions of TMNT, Raph is always the most intense one. Next we get Michaelangelo who, while cerebral, also tends to bring a lighter attitude than Raph. It remains to be seen if Aaron writes him that way, but I have faith in Eastman and his love for the characters.

The Art: Long time readers know that I’m a huge Joelle Jones fan boy. She brought Catwoman back in a big way. Then others struggled to reach those heights again until recently with Tini Howard’s Nine Lives story. Given the opportunity to just do the art in this book, she brings it in a big way. The slow reveal of Raph at the beginning of the book. Perfect. Two fight scenes with little in the way of dialogue? She gives us multiple panels of motion that practically fly off of the page. (See below for an example). I enjoyed Fero Pe’s art in the previous iteration of the book. Also, I know that she isn’t doing the next two issues. But, I’m glad we got at least this from her for now.

The Verdict

TMNT #1 wastes no time in redefining this era of the heroes in a half shell. Jason Aaron brings an edge to the book that was smart to show off with Raphael first. I loved The Turtles from when I picked them up during the Armageddon Game. And, I think that this story, even if very different, will continue to bring me joy over the next few months and, hopefully, years.

DC Comics September 2024


I wrote in my last article that the return to form on the web page means comics in this first week. I wrote about our latest adventures in Dice Masters on Monday. Yesterday, I covered the new season of Marvel SNAP. Now, I move on to the actual comics and reviews. This month I adjusted the order. When I went to Newbury Comics and then That’s E, I picked up more titles for the Spawniverse. I also bought into all of the new X-Men books. Therefore, my DC Comics September 2024 lineup is the smallest. Therefore, they go first.


Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Artist: Mike Hawthorne
Writer: Simon Spurrier, Artist: Ramon Perez
Writer: Joshua Williamson, Artist: Jamal Campbell
Writer: Tom King, Artist: Tony S. Daniel

All of the stories in these books this month are compelling. However, without the background of the main story, they’re all lacking something. As I often do, I missed the boat on the main Absolute Power series. As a result, I downgraded these books from Good to Decent. Completely my fault. But, I admit it and I will try to be better next time about the event stories that I read. Who knows, I might even revisit them after reading the main story. As far as The Flash, I I started collecting for Aiden and never took it off my pull list. I like it fine, but it’s not one of my favorite books, by any measure.


Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Eddy Barrows

Gail Simone is one of my favorite comic writers. Superman used to be one of my least favorite heroes. Bendis hooked me on the books when he wrote for Supes a few years ago. Then, they put Williamson on the main title and Simone on this one. In between, Phillip Kennedy Johnson wrote for both books. What I’m trying to say is that I now have a certain respect for old Supes that I never had before. And, Gail Simone writing the book! As they say, two great tastes that taste great together. I’m just not as into this story and that downgrades it slightly to good. When she hits her stride, I’m sure this book will pick up some steam.


Writer: Ram V, Artists: Various. Speaking of hitting your stride, this book got good just as it looks like they are changing writers again. I admit to not completely getting Ram V’s take on the title. I enjoyed the stories, but something just didn’t quite click for me overall. That changed with these two books and I look forward to what comes next from Ram V. I need to go back and read the whole run again to see if it hits different now that everything is coming together.

The Verdict

I keep saying what a great time this is for comics right now. DC Comics September 2024 proves that once again. Even the books that I “missed” because of the tie in still told compelling stories that entertained me. Thanks to all of the creative people out there still dedicated to bringing the fun in comic books. This old guy appreciates it.

Images taken from the mothership.