Tag Archives: Marvel

Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024


With my new commitment to making the page more reader friendly, I spread my comics reviews out over the month instead of trying to finish them all in one week. Even so, with all of the new X-Men titles, I need to read and review over a dozen Marvel books. So, I split them up this week into two categories. Lucky for me, one of those categories included Marvel Legacy Issues September 2024.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950 and The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775. Okay, I guess we’re celebrating quarters now. Fine.) both arrived in my DCBS order this month. And, still, even if I review those both in this article and give Sensational She-Hulk the send off she deserves, that’s still twelve books to read and review. I should look at that as a good problem to have. So, I will.

The Amazing Spider-Man 950

Writer: Zeb Wells (Oi), Artist: JRJR.

Quick Synopsis: We open on a flashback where Kingpin and Tombstone are on a safari. Kingpin points out a lion who took over a pack and killed a baby because resources are scarce. Power and something something, you get the point. In the present, Spidey breaks up an arms deal and attempts to keep the illusion alive that he’s working with Tombstone. Something something, tenuous grip on power. Tombstone pulls up while Robby and Peter are talking and “invites” Peter into the limo. Something something and they’re now fighting. The fight gets interrupted by She-Hulk and Luke Cage (Peter’s lawyer and the mayor?) and they take Tombstone into custody. The issue ends with the opening of Tombstone’s trial. There are also two short stories that I only skimmed. One shows how Peter retained She-Hulk’s services. The other mentions Wayep, so yeah.

My Verdict: While not a great issues, this one is decent. It’s not as bad as the worst of Wells. So, I give him credit for a mostly fun story in this landmark issue. I still refuse to read any more of what’s he’s done. Chris told me that it’s been up and down, but I guess I only saw the down. Also, Spidey is my favorite super hero of all time, so you don’t do him dirty and expect me to forgive you any time soon. JRJR’s art has absolutely evolved in a good way over time. While still distinct and blocky and not quit on the level of dear old dad, I don’t mind it as much on this book right now. Decent and that’s saying something from me, a know drinker of “Zeb Wells Amazing Spider-Man” haterade.

The Immortal Thor 14 (Legacy 775)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Jan Bazaldua

Quick Synopsis: This, too, opens with some background. Rhea seeks the wisdom of Gaea to help keep her child alive. Because of Gaea’s actions, the child is doomed to be devoured by Chronos. Chronos arrives, takes the child, but spares him. That child grows up to be Zeus, who fulfills the prophecy of Gaea. In the present, Thor and Hercules wander through the dark realm that they were banished to. The book is billed as Thor the All-Father vs. Zeus the Skyfather and it doesn’t disappoint. A fun story and battle steeped in Norse mythology. It ends with Thor defeating Zeus and taking his power. Hercules isn’t so sure he likes the new Thunder God, but Thor tells him not to worry.

My verdict: I admit to not getting the first couple of issues of this book when Al Ewing took over. The whole Roxxon thing turned me off a bit. I know that it has deep roots in Marvel Comics history. However, it just didn’t work for me. I knew that Ewing would figure it out. He always does. But, after his masterful run on The Incredible Hulk and great stories on Venom, I just found the whole thing weird. I’m not familiar with the artist on this one, but they bring the head (well, lightning) in the fight without going overboard. I mean, they could be forgiven as it is two gods fighting for supremacy, but they show restraint. And, the more introspective scenes are painted with a deft hand to bring some balance to the story. Great. I love the mythology piece and the fight really was awesome.

The Verdict

We knew going in that Marvel Comics Legacy Issues September 2024 might be a bit of a mixed bag. I hoped for a decent Spider-Man story and got that. I didn’t know what to expect from Thor both because it’s such a weird milestone to celebrate but also because the Roxxon story still lingers in the back of my mind. But, I loved this issue.

Marvel SNAP September 2024: The Amazing Spider-Season


Back to school and back on track with the articles, at least. I need to record for the podcast and get the YouTube back up and running. One step at a time, dear friends. With the web page back on track, we bring you comics for the first week. Aiden and I played some Dicemasters yesterday. Quinn made a deck and Aiden asked to play more. Look for that in the near future. Today, I talk about Marvel SNAP September 2024. Comics reviews come at the end of the week.

New Locations

Brooklyn Bridge turns off some strategies (like Hawkeye), but opens up other possibilities (like Jessica Jones). Also, it sucker punches all of the bots that like to just fill one location if it shows up in that particular location for the game. Otto’s lab gives you a taste of the old Doctor Octopus card. With my luck, I end up pulling their best card and losing because of it. But, maybe it all works out for me. Hey, stranger things have happened!

New Characters

Silver Sable

Image 1 of 5

On Reveal: Steal 2 Power from the top card of your opponent’s deck.

Ever since Spider-Verse in the comics and then the movies, Spider People have exploded in number in the various Marvel universes. It almost makes me yearn for the good old days of Spider-Man and Venom. Almost. But, I needed to search for Araña because I never saw her before in any of the literature.

As far as the cards, two of them debut the new keyword, “Activate”. This allows you to control the abilities of cards a little bit more. Instead of resolving on the reveal of the card, you activate the card’s ability by clicking on the card until it says “activated!” I like the idea and that they’re trying new things to keep the game fresh. Madam Web and Araña work well with my “Move” deck and I like the cheeky lore behind Scarlet Spider’s ability.

The Verdict

Marvel SNAP September 2024 brings the “attack of the spider people!” to the game. Plus, Silver Sable, one of my favorite characters from my teenage years, joins the fray. Overall, I like the inclusion of the new keyword, the cards look like fun, and the locations (if they ever show in my games) promise to make things more interesting overall. See you in game, SNAPpers!

Images SNAPped from Marvel SNAP Zone.

A Trip to Newbury Comics


We took our annual vacation to Cape Cod last week. As inevitably happens during the week, a tropical storm passed through the area. With rain on the forecast, we decided to drive to Hyannis and spend part of the day at the mall. However, when we woke up, it was only cloudy and a decent beach day. Christine and I decided to head to the beach. It took some time, but we convinced the kids to wait for us, so we all could go to the mall. The main stop everyone wanted was Barnes and Noble. However, Christine needed something at target, so we walked there. Along the way, we too a trip to Newbury Comics.

Comics played a big role in my life. They also eventually became a huge part of the web page. Chris and I tried an early podcast about comics that fizzled. Both of us attempted to record YouTube videos about comics hauls and reviews that might are lost to the great beyond because Google deleted that account due to inactivity. So, when I see a comic book store, I need to enter it. Those of you who know, understand when I said to them, “No, I was too busy searching for comics in the store with comics in the name” when they asked if I saw a certain item on the shelf. Nevertheless, I found some good ones.

What a Great Idea

I’ve been saying for years that comic publishers should print old issues on demand. Look, due to my interactions with Jason, I understand people and their collection brain. But, I would even take a copy of the book with the huge “REPRINT” banner over the top and bottom of the cover. I just want copies of the old books and not have to pay over 200 bucks for a single comic book. Yes, I can get trades, but there’s still that blank in my comic runs. I’m looking at you Spawn. Granted, I never wanted either one of these books, but I want to support the effort.

I texted Chris a picture of the cover of this magazine, with simply “Liefeld!” He responded, “gross lol”. “This is just the epitome of 90s Marvel right here.” And, so, that’s how I came to own Deadpool’s first appearance in comics.

Of the two, I wanted this one for sure. As a teenager, Gambit was my favorite X-Men character. What’s funny is when Aiden asked me a couple weeks ago at Quarters when I told him I didn’t really like Cyclops, I completely forgot about Gambit. Then, he showed up in Deadpool and Wolverine and it all came flooding back. Another old man moment. When I’m looking for something to watch later at night, I keep forgetting about X-Men ’97. Remind me next time!

A New Beginning

As I’ve told you many times, I missed most of the Krakoa era of the X-Men comics. When I heard that they rebooted the series with new writers and artists, I wanted to get in on the ground floor. I promptly forgot and DCBS never reminded me. So, when I saw these two books on the shelf from some of my favorite writers, I grabbed them. Now I need to grab X-Men #1 so that I can see the new direction better.

Blood Hunt (Wait? What?!)

I said numerous times that I cared nothing about Blood Hunt. I even refused to read the tie in issues from my regular shipments. Then, faced with the first three issues, I caved. Hey, I’m a complex person with layers. Like an onion! Also, when I see comics, I buy comics. That’s not complex at all. I just like comics.

The Verdict

I consider my trip to Newbury Comics a success. I got two comics I missed. I caught up on Blood Hunt (so far, I was right to ignore it, not great), and picked up some Liefeld and Gambit. I still hope that other comic publishers (Uncle Todd, please!) reprint some of their classic issues. But, I’ll take what I can get.

Marvel SNAP August 2024: Young Avengers


I thought the celebration of Deadpool and Wolverine might make me play more last month. I should know by now that everything about this game runs counter to my expectations. I play more in months when I least expect it and vice versa. Even with my limited play, I still received all of the rewards on the monthly track. And, the rewards for Deadpool’s Diner didn’t wow me enough to sucker me into that mode. Plus, if I’m being honest, at the heart of it, the game is really boring. So, I make no claims about how much I’ll play Marvel SNAP August 2024.

New Locations

Okay, after just saying how boring the game play is, they give me these two locations. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Vibranium. Even if they give you a rock in the location, a 1 drop with 4 power is pretty awesome, in my opinion. And, the other location fits in well with my “Ones” deck. I just need to start running Caiera in that deck to counter the plethora of Killmonger out there at the bot levels.

New Characters

Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)

Image 1 of 5

On Reveal: Add 2 Arrows to your hand.

I never read Young Avengers, so the characters ultimately mean little to me. I know about Kate Bishop from the Hawkeye TV show and I understand that Wiccan and Hulkling have a bit of a cult following. If you told me that the others were rejects from Deadpool 2’s X-Force, I’d have believed you. However, the cards themselves intrigue me. Speaking of “Ones”, Marvel Boy fits right into that deck. Who do I remove, though to add him and Caiera? Hmm, decisions, decisions. Speed works in my Evolution deck. Hulkling, too, but the random effect is kind of dumb in my opinion. I’m not sure where to use Wiccan right now, but Kate Bishop looks like my kind of fun randomness. Overall, an impressive bit of card design this time around.

The Verdict

While Marvel SNAP August 2024 brings unfamiliar characters, I like the design of the locations and the card text of the characters. I said I wouldn’t contemplate how much I might play in the next month. What I will say is, every time I think I’m out, they somehow suck me back in. Well played, you magnificent bastards.

Images SNAPped from Marvel SNAP Zone.

Deadpool/Wolverine Thoughts


I texted my family last week with plenty of time to get them together to watch the new Deadpool movie on the day of the premiere. Since we all have lives, it took until yesterday to actually make and keep the plans. I thought we arrived 10 minutes late, but then realized that we actually showed up almost 20 minutes early. None of this makes any difference. And, it probably isn’t all that exciting. But, I’m simply painting a picture before giving my Deadpool/Wolverine thoughts.

Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I usually like or love much of what I read, see, and hear. I can find the good in almost everything, except Zeb Wells recent run on Spider-Man. Funny enough, when I saw his name on the credits as a co-writer, I nearly gave up right there and then. But, without knowing what he contributed, I can only assume that he writes Deadpool well and not Spider-Man.

Besides, I have a saying. It starts like a familiar saying and then becomes my own (I hope). Those who can, do. Those who can’t, become critics. Furthermore, those who can’t do even that bitch about shit on the internet. While I’ve written (obviously) and made podcasts and videos, I don’t think of myself as one who does, so to speak. Even so, I don’t want to be lumped in with critics or bitches.

The Bad

I just got the idea to write this article as a response to some of the things I saw on the internet as a reaction to the movie. It feels like the most honest way to approach it after what i just said about critics and bitches. And, I always start with the bad to leave on a good note.

Self-Aware Twitter Thread: One of the articles I read said something along these lines of the movie felt like watching a Twitter (X? Whatever) thread that thinks that it is more clever than it actually is. All I can say in response is, “Tell me you don’t understand Deadpool without telling me.”

Nostalgia Trip: While not usually a part of the Deadpool repertoire, Ryan Reynolds must have made a deal with Disney to allow all of the actors to be able to say good-bye to a universe that they created and built over 20 years. Hell, they deserve at least that much. Plus, comic book nerds, you can’t simultaneously piss and moan about nostalgia and then piss and moan when they refuse to give into that nostalgia.

The Ugly

Hugh Jackman/RDJ Proves that Nothing Since Endgame Worked. Remember when I said that I like almost everything, I mean it. I loved WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier (in spite of its warts, it brought us The Thunderbolts), Black Widow, Shang Chi, Loki, Dr. Strange, Thor, and What If?. Hell, I even enjoyed She-Hulk, Ant-Man, and Hawkeye. I haven’t seen all of Moon Knight, but it looked good. I purposely left out Guardians of the Galaxy 3 because it exists on a whole nother plane from everything else so far. Obviously, I don’t agree with this assessment.

Let’s say that you do, though. Focus on Eternals, and the Marvels, Wakanda Forever, Secret Invasion, and whatever other projects that you felt didn’t live up to your expectations. If it is the end of a 10 year run that saw the studio rise to great heights and shatter box office records, then so be it. But, a few mediocre movies and TV shows don’t signal the end of the entire Marvel empire.

I will confess, though, that in reaction to the joke of Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine until he’s 90, I said “Forget that, Bob Iger will be CEO until he dies.” Then, when I debriefed with Chris this morning, I added, “They fucked everything up when he left and he came back to put it all together.” I know that puts way too much on one man and that’s not usually how I roll. But, I’m allowed to ignore nuance every now and then.

The Good

As part of the debrief this morning, I texted, “Movie was great. Everyone had a ball.” Chris replied, “It was the best Deadpool movie so far.” I can’t find a counterargument. The kill sequence during the credits to “Bye, Bye, Bye” complete with the dance a couple of times. When Wade travels to find another Wolverine and it becomes an excuse to simply rattle off knowing winks to the comic book nerds in the crowd. A “no cocaine” joke that became a string of hilarious “cocaine” jokes. More kick ass fight scenes. My favorite X-Men character, Gambit. More kick ass fight scenes, including one between Deadpool/Wolverine and 100 Deadpool variants. And, behind it all, the sincere beating heart of family and friends that keep us all going in spite of everything else.

The Verdict

I gave more Deadpool/Wolverine thoughts than expected. But, I think I covered most of what I wanted to say. I won’t fall into the nuance trap again and say that it will “save the MCU“, but I loved the movie and everything about it. Like the first two, I anticipate watching it several more times and at least once more in the theaters. Let’s fucking go.

Marvel vs. Capcom Collection


I tried to branch out with Marvel Strike Force this week. While that experiment ended in failure, thankfully I planned to discuss something near and dear to our heart here at 2 Generations Gaming. Marvel vs. Capcom collection brings together some of the most fun fighting games from my teenage years and young adulthood. While they don’t fire the same nostalgia synapses as, say Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat, at least one of them holds a very special place in my heart.

The Others

I never played Marvel Super Heroes or X-Men vs. Street Fighter at the time. I think, by that time, my interest in fighting games waned and I moved on to other games, most notably Resident Evil. So, Capcom still took much of my money. This interest in horror games then extended to Silent Hill and Fatal Frame. That still ranks as one of my favorite games of all time.

I played both X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes in the arcade. Like Darkstalkers, I welcomed the new take on the Street Fighter fighting engine with more stylized graphics. They eventually gave me the best of both worlds with Street Fighter Alpha, a game that I only played on home systems. By that time, I moved out and owned a full priced PlayStation (those of you who know, you know that it dropped in price a month after I bought it, thereby guaranteeing that I’d never again pay full price for a console) and lived alone. Games like Street Fighter Alpha kept me company during that time.

Unlike Darkstalkers, both X-Men and Marvel Super Heroes featured familiar characters, so I gravitated towards them in the arcade. In X-Men, I played Wolverine, Psylocke, and Cyclops mostly. Then, in MSH, I mained Spidey, Hulk, and Cap. Those preferences ran deep and carried over into the other game in the series that quite possibly sits at the top of my favorite fighting games list. I never actually made such a list and Mortal Kombat 11 occupied an insane amount of my time. Well, I have an idea for a future article.

The One

While I played and enjoyed Marvel vs. Capcom, the second one captured my attention when I played it. Then, I introduced my children to fighting games with that very game. We played the game together daily, enjoying ourselves almost beyond belief. I’ve written on more than one occasion that becoming a dad changes you. Honestly, those changes mostly strengthen and solidify you as a person.

I gamed growing up because it gave me an escape from the crap I endured at school daily. It allowed me to spend some time with my brothers and have fun instead of being the butt of everyone’s jokes. When I played games with my kids, I hoped to give them the same feeling of belonging and happiness. I think I succeeded. All of them still, to this day, play together in Minecraft and The Sims. We all play Mario Party and Mario Kart as a family during school breaks. And, now, with this collection, we can relive those fun times with Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

The Verdict

I bought the street Fighter collection years ago and played it once or twice. I think Aiden played with one of his friends a couple of times. But, overall, it collects dust as a forgotten relic of a teenage me, not grown up dad me. I think that if I buy Marvel vs. Capcom collection, it will be worth it just for the laughs that the second MvC brings.

Marvel Strike Force


In a month dedicated to Marvel and the new movie Deadpool and Wolverine, I pained myself into a bit of a corner this week. I wanted to talk about some of the Marvel video games other than Marvel SNAP. I regularly talk about each season in SNAP, so even though they “updated” with “new” game modes, I saw no point in reviewing them here. The only one I found that even remotely interested me was Marvel Strike Force.

First Impressions

Marvel Strike Force is a turn based RPG with Marvel Super Hero skins. That more than covers it. The story, while slightly forced, at least attempts to be interesting and figure into the game play. So, what else can I say? Not much honestly.

So, what else can I say here? Not much, if I’m being honest. I simply don’t need another treadmill game leading me from reward to reward in hopes that I can pull a decent hero without having to pay actual money. Who knows? Maybe when the winter comes and I have more time to devote to sitting on the couch, I might try again.

The Verdict

If you like this type of game and Marvel, you’ll probably enjoy it. As I just wrote up there, I don’t have the time or energy to devote to the game right now, so I won’t be joining you any time soon. If anything changes, I’ll be sure to update you.

In the meantime, I’m counting down the minutes.

Marvel Comics May 2024


A week late, but I finally finished my comics articles for this month with Marvel Comics May 2024. But, I still consider that a win. With how nuts things at school went over the last two weeks and summer coming in about a month, I just need to hold the line until then. Hopefully you all understand. I promise to make the summer far more productive. Until then, enjoy what I content I can provide.

Amazing Spider-Man #47 and #48 (Legacy #941 and #942)

Writer: Zeb Wells, Artist: JRJR. I promised to avoid ASM until Zeb Wells no longer wrote the book. However, if I skipped this one and Incredible Hulk (because the art is just not great, that left me with only 3 comics for Marvel May 2024. While not as offensive as some of the recent stories, these issues don’t give me the good Spidey vibes that I enjoy. Still, I hold onto hope that the worst is behind us. My verdict: Decent.

The Avengers #13 (Legacy #779)

Writer: Jed McKay, Artist: Francesco Mortarino. I saw that Marvel put McKay on X-Men starting with the new series. When I looked it up, Redditers seem to think that means that an Avengers vs. X-Men crossover is imminent. I don’t know about that, but this issues is probably one of the weakest ones of McKay’s tenure so far. Not bad, by any stretch, but not as great as most of the issues in this run. Now, the Blood Hunt tie in that I have no interest in reading. My verdict: Good.

Fantastic Four #19 (Legacy #712)

Writer: Ryan North, Artist: Carlos Gomez. Marvel took Guardians away from me again. And no She-Hulk this time around means that the most consistently great book in the lot is Fantastic Four. This one reads like an old noir crime novel that eventually reveals as a bungled attempt by Trapster to use a cosmic cube. An absolute blast from cover to cover. My verdict: Great.

The Immortal Thor #10 (Legacy #771)

Writer: Al Ewing, Artist: Carlos Magno. As you know, I loved Ewing’s Hulk. He wrote the book so masterfully and told a story for the ages. It took me some time to warm up to this version of Thor, but I enjoyed the last two issues and think I finally understand what he’s trying to accomplish here. And, I’m fully on board with it. My verdict: Great.

The Incredible Hulk #11 and #12 (Legacy #792 and #793)

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Artist: Danny Earls and Nic Klein. I mentioned Hulk earlier. The story of this title is amazing. I never thought it possible, but PKJ not only continues the horror vibe of Ewing’s Hulk, he actually amps it up a few levels. But, the art is so bad that it detracts from my enjoyment of the book. Spidey’s starting to come around with the story. Maybe they’ll finally find another artist for this one. My verdict: Story, great. Art, let’s move on.

The Verdict

I actually enjoyed all of the books this month on their own for different reasons. Spider-Man is crawling back to respectability. Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Thor all continue their good runs. And, the Hulk’s storyline is fabulous. Now, if only Marvel can iron out the slight wrinkles.

Cover images taken from the Mothership, mostly.

Marvel SNAP May 2024: A Blink in Time


I meant to post the Mario Honorable Mention article yesterday. I wanted the video to accompany the article. Then I thought I might post it today. However, with no time to narrate the video, I needed to make a decision, so I posted the article without the video. I plan to release the videos next month once school lets out and I have the time. The other plan this week was the comic articles. Smack dab in the middle of it I’m putting the Marvel SNAP May 2024 article.

New Locations

Other than Scarlet Witch, Magik or other characters who change the location, I don’t see the point of Cancun. On the other hand, Panoptichron works very well with quite a few strats in the game. I can see people having a lot of fun with that one.

New Characters


Image 1 of 5

On Reveal: Swap the last card you played with a higher-Cost card from your deck.

I played Blink to finish the weekend quest. I like the targeted abiilty and thin she’ll slot nicely into my On Reveal or Wong/Odin deck. When I watched a streamer unlock Nocturne, I said, “I don’t know if she’s good, but she looks like fun.” That more or less paid off as expected. Sage can give one hell of a payoff, Namora is another decent On Reveal and Sasquatch is going right in both my “Ones” deck and my Skaar deck. He’ll get played easily in both decks.

The Verdict

After two months of less than stellar updates, last month and Marvel SNAP May 2024 bring some fun back to the game. I gave up trying to collect the conquest variants and this one doesn’t excite me none, either. But, I like the rest of it and with Deadpool most likely coming in July, I don’t see myself giving up the game again any time soon.

Marvel Snap April 2024: Zeroes to Heroes


True to my word, I played almost no Marvel Snap during the Avengers season. I cared nothing about the cards or characters. I couldn’t even muster the ability to care enough about the Conquest variant to play for that. Instead, I saved my money. I’m glad I did because Marvel Snap April 2024 season revolves around one of my favorite groups, The Thunderbolts. Sure, the lineup is from the MCU and I prefer the Green Goblin led team, but I’ll take what I can get from all this cross promotion.

New Locations

Thunderbolts Tower looks liked a placeholder from datamining. Yeah, upon further research, it is -2 power after turn 5. If you’re playing some kind of junk, this could be a fun location to play. Otherwise, I will mostly just play around the debuff. Castle Zemo also favors junk, so maybe they’re trying to push that archetype this time around.

New Characters


Image 1 of 6

All of these cards look like tons of fun. I think my favorites are Valentina and USAgent. Many of the 6 drops are fairly high power with some upside, so getting one of them in play 2 turns early with some draw back looks good to me. And, USAgent punishes big decks, though I admit that I haven’t seen a ton of them. Maybe the meta got big again with the latest season. Who knows? Zemo gives you card advantage and the possibility of a combo breaker. Red Hulk can be a surprise drop against a Sunspot type deck. White Widow forces the opponent (if they care) to one zone for a couple of turns, so that’s nice. And, I haven’t quite figured out how to use Red Guardian just yet, but he can zap a Nightcrawler and freeze him in a location.

The Verdict

I already know that I plan to get the Battle Pass for Marvel Snap April 2024. The cards are fun. The locations are fine. And, I admit to actually missing “war with added features” from my daily rotation. I’ll see you out there, fellow SNAPers!

Cards taken from Marvel Snap Zone.