After recommitting to the page in December, we went radio silent again last month. I think going forward, I might use January as a month to rest and recharge after the busy holiday season. But, no need to make that decision for another year or so. And, let’s jump start this month with Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025.
King Spawn 40
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Spawn’s war reaches a near conclusion. While on the cusp of that conclusion, however, he gets lured into a trap. A trap that may cost him dearly due to his current lack of powers. This story initially turned me off, but I like the current angle that McConville brought over the last few issues. Bringing back Sam and Twitch and putting Spawn in mortal danger gives the story some extra oomph. My verdict: Good.
The Scorched 36
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The Scorched and The Agency square off in the hunt for Medieval Spawn. Both teams pull out all of their tricks in an attempt to best the other. Their battles level part of The Vatican. My favorite Spawniverse book and one of my favorite writers. Two great tastes that taste great together. After lagging for a few months, this one gradually regained steam to get back to that former glory. My verdict: Great.
Spawn 360
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: After some back story, partly to build suspense, Spawn goes to face off against Bludd. Jessica tries to talk sense into him by pointing out that it’s an obvious trap and that he needs to chill out. I mean, telling someone to calm down always works, right? Yeah, it doesn’t here, either, and Bludd absolutely demolishes a powerless Spawn. Putting McConville in charge of both main titles was a smart move. It brings a cohesiveness to the story that was missing for a while. Now, we see how Spawn survives this deadly attack. My verdict: Good.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: Hale runs, unchecked, through New York. He lies, cheats, and steals with abandon and seemingly no repercussions. Casey Jones hopes to change that. He confronts Hale and his cronies. Hale arrests him. Casey tries to escape, but Hale shoots him and again declares himself the King of New York. No turtles this time stunts the story some. Props to Aaron for bringing Casey into the book so quickly, but is he gone just as quickly? Yikes! My verdict: Good.
Bonus: Ultimate Spider-Man 13
Quick Synopsis and Thoughts: The hunt is on for Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Now, Kraven’s involved. That ups everything, in a nod to Spinal Tap, to 11. Our protagonists survive and Spidey ends up back in New York where he runs into Black Cat. As Chris says, DCBS doing DCBS things and I only received this one from my Ultimate pull list. Who the heck knows. Nevertheless, a fun story and I can’t wait to see what comes next. My verdict: Decent.
The Verdict
Overall, a good collection of books in Spawniverse and TMNT February 2025 (with an added bonus!). I didn’t care for the lack of turtles and missed some of the other Spawn books (mostly Rat City). Plus, Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t quite catching for me yet. But, there’s always time for things to improve.
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