Tag Archives: Movie vs.

Movie Vs. Ready Player One

Plenty to discuss in this Movie Vs. Ready Player One episode. As I mention in the show, not much survives from the book to the movie. So, first, I give a synopsis of the movie. I started simply by listing things I noticed from the movie. Then, I mostly noticed how different it was and that a new synopsis might be necessary.

I then talk about those differences and what they mean for the movie. After that, I discuss the themes from the book that made it into the movie. Obviously, the anti-capitalism gets toned down majorly. However, if you read the book many of the other themes show up in some form or another.

Speaking of the book, if you never read the book, read the book! Then, come back to listen to the rest of Noob’s Book Club: Ready Player One. After that, come back so that we can have a discussion about it. And, with Movie Vs. Ready Player One, the series comes to a conclusion.

Next up, I promised Dragons of Fate. Because we are big time here at 2 Generations Gaming, I received the book a day early. Actually, I just think someone messed up a shipping date. But, I’ll take it. So, I read the first three chapters and the first installment arrives on August 15th. Talk to you then!

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
Movie Vs. Ready Player One

The Road to Neverwinter: Movie Vs.

While I kept the podcast going with some short mini episodes during our trip to Germany, I intended to release these two interlude episodes as well. It came as a bit of a shock that they are the only episodes that I need in between now because Dragons of Fate releases on August 2. I started with The Road to Neverwinter because I read the book on the trip and wrote the episode without watching the movie again.

I discuss some of the shortcomings of the movie, why they don’t matter to fans of the game, and then talk briefly about spoilers. Finally, I go over the plot and the characters from the book. All of this I discuss in the context of reading The Road to Neverwinter after watching the companion movie. Overall, I consider this a success. After reading Dragons of Fate, I plan to release more of these. As an aside, I just discovered they wrote another prequel book. Therefore, I found one of my next Movie Vs. episodes.

As always, give it a listen. Let me know what I did right. Let me know how I can improve. I take constructive criticism well and use it to get better. Thanks for your support.

2 Guys Gaming
2 Guys Gaming
The Road to Neverwinter: Movie Vs.